Cortland accelerates innovation


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“The enterprise that does not innovate ages and declines. And in a period of rapid change such as the present, the decline will be fast.”

— Peter Drucker

Innovation Infrastructure

Cortland supports Fortune 500 companies to conduct pilots, discover use cases, map workflows, trace processes, engineer data streams and ease innovation for internal and external stakeholders. We do this using industry recognized experts, innovative startups and technology partners to develop the latest solutions in artificial intelligence, data engineering, machine learning and industry specific technology.


  • Use Case Discovery in corporate innovation involves systematically identifying and assessing potential applications and scenarios where a new technology, product, or process can provide tangible value or solve specific problems within the enterprise. It's a structured approach that helps prioritize innovation efforts, ensuring they align with real-world needs and market opportunities. By rigorously exploring use cases, organizations can accelerate the innovation process, reduce risks, and maximize the impact of their investments.

  • An Innovation Playbook is a customized guide that outlines the organization's standardized processes, methodologies, and best practices for fostering and accelerating innovation. It serves as a valuable resource for employees, providing a structured framework to ideate, develop, and implement innovative solutions efficiently and effectively. This playbook typically includes guidelines for idea generation, validation, project management, resource allocation, and risk mitigation, all aimed at achieving excellence and speed to market in the innovation process.

  • An Executive Workshop is a focused and interactive session attended by senior leaders and executives. Its primary purpose is to explore and align on strategic innovation initiatives, set priorities, and chart a course for innovation efforts. These workshops provide a platform for decision-makers to discuss emerging trends, review innovation opportunities, allocate resources, and establish a shared vision and commitment to drive innovation excellence and accelerate speed to market.

  • Skill Development: Offering workshops, courses, and resources to enhance employees' innovation skills, such as design thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.

    Process Familiarity: Ensuring teams understand the innovation process and methodologies, enabling them to navigate from idea generation to implementation effectively.

    Cultural Alignment: Instilling an innovation mindset by fostering a culture of risk-taking, learning from failure, and encouraging continuous improvement.

    Resource Access: Providing access to innovation tools, technologies, and experts to empower employees in their innovation endeavors.

    Feedback and Support: Offering regular feedback and coaching sessions to guide employees in refining their innovative ideas and projects.

    Recognition and Rewards: Implementing recognition programs and incentives to motivate and acknowledge employees' innovative contributions.

  • Data Collection: Systematic gathering of relevant data from various sources, both internal and external.

    Data Integration: Organizing and integrating data to create a unified and accessible repository.

    Data Quality: Ensuring data accuracy, consistency, and reliability through validation and cleansing processes.

    Data Analytics: Employing analytics tools and techniques to extract actionable insights and patterns from data.

    Data Security: Implementing robust security measures to protect sensitive information and comply with regulations.

    Scalability: Designing architecture to accommodate growing data volumes and evolving innovation needs.

    Accessibility: Providing authorized users with easy access to data through user-friendly interfaces.

  • An innovation focus area represents a strategic and targeted area of concentration where an enterprise directs its innovation efforts. It defines the specific domain, industry, market segment, or problem space that the organization aims to address through innovation. This focus ensures that resources, talent, and investments are aligned to drive excellence and expedite time-to-market in a particular area of interest, fostering a competitive advantage.

  • Venture Services offer a thorough and systematic examination of partnerships with venture backed companies. It includes assessing factors like market potential, technology viability, intellectual property, financial feasibility, and strategic alignment to ensure that the potential for a successful pilot or commercial agreement is viable.

Cortland: Unlocking New Possibilities

Tapping into unconventional idea sources is Cortland's specialty. With a global network, Cortland connects enterprises to innovative solutions that address problems swiftly and effectively.

Cortland is aligned with the leading companies that are building emerging technology. We work to identify the companies that have the largest pool of talent, deepest financial resources and the most success at an early stage. These services can get a company up to speed quickly and leapfrog a competitors existing foray into a particular innovation channel.

Start a conversation

We welcome the opportunity to learn more about your innovation needs. Contact us here to set up a time to connect.